Friday, July 17, 2009

Scars ~~ How many of ya like 'em?? :)

Recently while flipping through some random magazine [yeah let it be RANDOM], I saw an in-depth article on how to get rid of or heal wounds, without those pesky scars. Now I understand that in some cases scars can be frustrating, especially if they are large enough or in visible enough locations that they cause embarrassment. But for me, I love my scars. First, scar tissue is actually stronger than normal tissue [ courtesy- my feeling sense :-D ], which means one could potentially become a superhero if one could find a way to (in a none gross manner) replace ones skin with scar tissue. Second, scars are like built in memories, they instant call to mind the places and circumstances of their creation. So here in no particular order are my own favorite scars:

Top of Knee – Who doesn’t have at least one memorable scar on their knee from childhood shenanigans? The reason I like this particular one is that I have such a vivid memory of acquiring it. I don’t remember how old I was, probably in that 8-10 range. But we were at a family summer vacation trip in Munnar at my uncle’s and I was cycling [probably still with my training wheels on) around a gravel curve and totally wiped out. This is probably memorable in that I was by myself when it happened, so I had to do the inspection of wound area all by myself and contain my tears until I reached my parents. Also this scar is kinda cool because I managed to actually gouge a small hole in my skin via gravel, which makes for a very cool raised scar.

Side of Right foot - This scar isn’t highly visible, it is more of a difference in skin tone, but once again the method of acquiring it is the best part. I actually picked the injury up from outta nowhere on a perfectly fyn examination day!!! Me and ma friends were hanging out at the alleyway of our school breathlessly reading through what we all jus crammed into our tiny tot heads the previous night and I came up wit a seemingly safe way of pulling the tension strings down. A small innocent plastic cup was my choice of a football and I chose to make the first kick too… and yeah I guess I made a hard one too... the only problem was that the cup was out there covering a projecting piece of steel bar [or whatever the hell it was, I had much much much more things to worry about].. the pain just kept increasing and needless to say my shiny little shoes got pierced too and the blood kept pumping out[ never thought so much blood flowed through ma stupid FOOT!!! Anyways, the pain got killed by a much more serious pain- embarrassment!! It healed up quickly though, and the only reason I can think of why the scar came up id that its after all a stupid FOOT!! The tissues won’t get patched up all too wonderful ya know.. Hmmmm…. Even more interestingly, the child-me picked up this one during ma 11th grade…

Forehead, a li’l right from the centre – Apparently Mr. Harry Potter ain’t the only one having that identity. Your’s truly do posses one, however hard to find it maybe these days. The thing is, I’m a lazy fellow and this post is going on too much for my liking… So, longstory short = fell flat out on the footpath for no particular reason[ I still wonder how] and hit straight on a small stone that was perfectly placed over there to get lodged into ma forehead. Seriously, I never felt anything, got up, brushed ma uniform and continued walking… But the no-job-people who can be found everywhere dint allow me!! [Never thought there were so many kind souls out there] They wanted to take me to a hosp!! GULP!! Oh no no…somehow I convinced them I don’t want that and so they laid me down in an auto and literally packed me home.. grrrr!! The image of ma face covered in blood made my day... Finally I got myself a wwe look!! More like Austin had in his first blood match against Kane… LOL!! My plain refusal to put stitches on gave me a perfectly shaped scar- that of a water drop.. cool!!

So how about the rest of you, any favorite scars?


samuraisuraj said...

I have heard that war scars often serve youngsters while impressing young girls…While I have had my fair share of encounters with accidents, those which seem to come out of nowhere and have no dramatic sense whatsoever, the number of prominent scars on my body is not something which cannot be bound within the fingers in my hand, in a mathematical sense of course. It is quite beautiful to realize that the seemingly inane things in life can really become the mementos of the most thrilling or positively frightening incidents that have made a mark in our life.Your’s truly did start to scare me when his scars where explained in all its ‘gross glory’. But who thought his laziness would come out and rescue my brain and mind from the previously impending doom if he had decided to give us a more thorough picture of his scars.Anyways,hats off to him for his sui generis selection of topic…After all the most famous Young Wizard owes his fame to nothing but a SCAR

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Strange topic but very well expressed... quite impressive...:)

Rockstar.... said...

now suraje.. thats one impressive comment!!!

samuraisuraj said...

Well,I have my moments :)

NAVI said...
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Life after firsts...!

There are in life a few moments that explode with the scent of memory as you jostle them in the attic where such things line the dusty aisle...