Thursday, September 4, 2008

Walking on this lonely road................

Walking on this lonely road, with home still so far from my sight. Alone on this fruitless excursion, all is wrong that once seemed right. I don’t want to feel defeated again,Neither do I want to say goodbye.I want to reach my home,But i'm too tired to walk; I want to fly. Take me away from here,Take me anywhere you want.I’ll run away from this place,till the memories no longer haunt. Time is slipping away from me,watching me as I gather my pieces.

You chose this path for both of us, and I thought you’ll be walking too.Now you say that you can’t walk with me, or is it that you never wanted to? I have seen the mighty fall on this path,anf thefallen are right back on track.One thing that I will never see, is you taking your words back.My body is covered with the ashes, Of the desires that you’ve burned. Is this my moment of yet another loss ,or is it just another lesson to be learned.? Days are so hard to pass,So I thought to walk alone at night.I thought I’ll save myself from the sun, but here I am now, burnt by the moonlight.This place around,it looks so familiar,I’ve been to this deserted town.The hand that I thought belonged to my saviour was the one pushing me down. U can put me on blame for all the things,cause I’m happy to do that for you. All the failures along the path,the words cant really put them on display.Somehow I have reached your place,maybe you can open the door and blow me away.You’ve built your castle of bliss on the graveyard of my dreams. Leave some space to bury me there,in the loving memory of my screams.....


sarani said...

realllyyy nice.....congrats!!!!

Unknown said...

awesome piece of work da.....!! u really hav gvn a face of ur feelings ovr here... keep goin man..

the pilgrim said...

u remind me of myself... there is so much in your work that everyone can relate with...

Life after firsts...!

There are in life a few moments that explode with the scent of memory as you jostle them in the attic where such things line the dusty aisle...